We partner with third-party software provider Truelytics to provide insight into your RIA firm as it compares to peers, both on valuation and other KPIs. Unlike a standalone valuation, Elevate’s extensive background in the industry, coupled with Truelytics data, goes beyond a valuation to give you actionable insights you can leverage to improve your firm.
Industry Benchmarking
How can industry benchmarking help you?
The insights we provide using Truelytics go beyond your firm’s AUM numbers. We analyze everything from your firm’s non-compete and shareholder agreements to your client demographics to establish a baseline value of your business. From there, we can help you outline individualized goals for growth—i.e., increase the value of your firm.
What’s the baseline value of your RIA firm?
The baseline value of your business is the starting point for building a business with transferable value. Valuations can be instrumental in accomplishing your objectives. They can also help you track value drivers over time, giving you an effective management tool.
Your firm’s value is based not only on its financial attributes but also on its non-financial and even intangible attributes. Your Truelytics scorecard captures your firm’s financial metrics as well as non-financial metrics through KPIs. The Elevate team transforms the metrics into an actionable plan.
Run your firm like a business.
By using the Truelytics Platform, we can help you identify, quantify, and resolve issues that impact your firm, allowing you to run it like a business. Most important, the Truelytics platform coupled with our industry specialization will provide insight into how your firm compares to its peers, giving you a clear path to growth.